Simplify Task Management,
Amplify Success

Elevate your customer success experience with our built-in task manager. Create, track, and manage tasks with ease, all in a single, user-friendly interface.

Sync seamlessly with your favorite tools like Asana and Trello, collaborate and receive real-time updates, transform your customer success with every task managed and every goal achieved.

Organize your work

Create projects

Keep all your projects neatly organized in one place

Assign tasks

Give your team members individual tasks and track their progress

Set deadlines

Make sure you always deliver the results to your clients in time

Built-in task manager

Manage your tasks effortlessly with our built-in task manager.
No more switching between apps or forgetting important details.

Whether you need to follow up with a client, schedule a meeting, or send a report, you can create a task in just two clicks right after your communication.

You can find all your tasks in one convenient place in the Tasks section, where you can also track your progress, prioritize your work, and collaborate with your team. Our built-in task manager helps you stay on top of your customer success goals and deliver exceptional service.

Sync with popular task trackers

Sync your existing task trackers with our powerful platform. Don’t waste time checking multiple services or switching between different systems. Simply integrate all your tools into one place and access them from our user-friendly interface.

Whether you use Asana, Trello, Jira, or any other popular task tracker, you can easily connect it with our platform and sync your data in real time. Our all-in-one system helps you streamline your work and focus on your customer success outcomes.

Built-in Alerts

Never miss any important notifications

Focus on critical changes

Built-in alerts will help you to stay on track with every task on your hands

Don't miss a single task

Our system will remind you about a scheduled call or meeting with smart alerts, so there will be no more "I forgot"

Make New Era business with full focus on the clients care with the best partners